The Edge of the Forest, March/April 2008
The March/April 2008 issue of children's literary magazine The Edge of the Forest went online yesterday. Here's what I had to read right away:
Feature article "Fairytale in the Forest: A Friendship" by Candice Ransom that references beloved illustrator Trina Schart Hyman (I think remember that Cricket cover with the mushrooms, Candice)
A review of Budge Wilson's Before Green Gables (in the new What? column for "books that just don't fit neatly into any particular category." Those are often my favorite books)
And A Backward Glance (again by Candice Ransom) at Miracles on Maple Hill, which I reread this spring (during Pancake Week!)
There's lots more in this double issue of The Edge of the Forest; thanks to all of the contributors, and to Kelly Herold at Big A little a for putting it all together.