I'm rereading Little Women for my neighborhood book club (we're reading it together with March by Geraldine Brooks). I must have been younger than Amy when I first read Little Women; I've reread it (or parts of it) countless times since then. It's like an old friend to me.
That said, I had forgotten how irritating Amy's malapropisms can be. They start on p.3 with "label" for "libel" and don't stop until Amy goes abroad (at least I hope they stop by then. I haven't gotten that far yet). She's the literary forerunner of Junie B. Jones, for goodness' snake! And all the other fictional children who too-frequently mistake one word for another (Clementine, I'm talking to you). As far as I'm concerned, it's only funny when my kids do it. Not to worry, though: I won't quote them here.